I have been polling my friends and neighbors, asking them the question, “What would you do if the doctor told you that you have only four to six weeks to live?” </p
p>As you might guess, the answers have varied – indeed, they have varied all over the map.</p
p>Most answers, after a few moments of thought, have been serious, but some were surprisingly funny, such as, “I would choose the four weeks;” “I would get a second opinion;” “I would take out a million-dollar life insurance policy;” and, “I would take a hot air balloon and just keep going up to Heaven.”</p
p>Then, on the more serious side, were several such as “I would try to enjoy four-to-six weeks of good health so I could visit with friends and relatives, gather my family around me, pray and spend as much time as possible with them.” “I would like to take my family on a cruise.” One said he wanted to play one more round of golf. Another said, “I would get right with the Lord, get my will and affairs in order and travel – see the world.” To cap it off, one fellow said, “I’m grateful for the years I’ve had, so I’m going to shout, 'Hallelujah I’m ready to meet the Lord.'”</p
p>These are some of the lengthier replies, which are listed individually:</p
p>“I would spend as much time as possible with people I love. I would contact people who made a difference in my life, thanking them for what they did, whether it was words of encouragement or a kind deed. I think that acknowledging those kindnesses makes a difference in their lives.”
p>“I would make sure I reached out to everyone close to me to tell them how much I love them, how thankful I am to have had them in my life and how much they have done for me. I would want to make sure I had any loose ends tied/cleaned up, whether it’s projects, my will or distraught relationships. Then I would want to travel and see things I’ve only dreamt of seeing.”</p
“I would: 1) Travel out of state to see my extended family and spend time with them. 2) Attempt to write a memoir of my life experiences and what I’ve learned from those situations. I think compiling all that together would be very cathartic in accepting your own mortality. 3) Reach out to those in my immediate circle and explain to them how much I’ve appreciated and loved them. 4) Lastly, I’d eat fast food, pizza and cake every meal.”</p
p>“My priority would have<br
/b>been to focus on the five F’s in my life. All my time would be spent strengthening these F’s in the following order:</p
p>Faith: Share my confidence and security for my life after death based on my relationship with God through his Son.</p
p>Family: Spend maximum time with my loved ones, sharing my memories and, most of all, my undying love for them.</p
p>Friends: Strengthening and restoring my relationships.</p
p>Finances: Making sure all things are in order to take care of those I leave behind.</p
p>Fun: Face each day with joy, peace and hope.”</p
p>“I would sell all my assets and belongings and take a trip around the world with my wife. I would want to go to Japan, Fiji and Alaska.”</p
p>“I would get a second opinion. … Make sure all my affairs are in order (inheritance is allocated appropriately). Plan a family get-together to see/visit with everyone. I would spend as much time with my family as possible.”</p
p>“After fretting a bit over my impending end, I would pack a bag, round up my kids and hop a flight to Italy so we could eat our way through the country while making incredible memories.”</p
p>And, lastly, my thoughts:</p
p>I would try to visit as many of my friends and family as possible. They are scattered all over the map and many of them I have not seen in ages. Then I would settle down to spend my last days praying, knowing where my next “home” will be and looking forward to seeing those who have gone on before me. By the way, I would hope, as many of the obituaries say, “to die peacefully, surrounded by my loved ones.”</p
p>In closing I want to ask you, my readers, a question: Are you sure of your afterlife destination? I realize you are from many cultures that have varied beliefs regarding life after death, but if you don’t mind, let me tell you what I believe – and why. </p
p>I am of what is called the Protestant religion and we believe our guidebook, the Bible, is God’s word. My Bible says, in the book of Acts, Chapter 16, verse 30, “Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.” Then, in the book of Romans, Chapter 10, verse 9, it says, “For if you tell others with your own mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord, and believe in your own heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”</p
p>Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you in Heaven when the time comes.</p
p>Bob Warren is a local historian, former mayor of Frisco and a regular contributor to Frisco STYLE Magazine.