rSTAFF STREETS OF FRISCOrWhat is your favorite Frisco sporting event to attend?
“My family really enjoys the RoughRiders games… my kids mostly for the snacks!”r-Leah Ratliff
“I like going to FC Dallas games. They have a great atmosphere.”r-Andrew Johnson
“I love the NCAA FCS Football Championship game. There is nothing better than two college teams, supported by their most rabid fans, fighting for a national championship.”r-Chris Johnson
“I love going to Frisco RoughRiders games. It is a fun way to celebrate the season and spend time with friends!”r-Christine Perrenot
“Football all the way! High school, NCAA championship, you name it.”r-Becky Johnson
"My favorite sporting event to attend in Frisco would be the RoughRiders. It is just so fun to go and experience a baseball game without having to drive an hour away!!"r-Andrew Callen
rCITY INSIGHTSrGoing into fiscal year 2018, a homestead exemption will help Frisco homeowners save on property taxes by allowing them to exclude a portion of their home’s value from assessment. Learn more about the 7.5 percent reduction on the property tax value at or
rMAKING A DIFFERENCErToni Munoz-Hunt has taken her talents and used them for the greater good of our community. Get more information about her two upcoming events, Friscovania and Ladies Night Out with a Purpose, at
rFAMILYrThe Miracle League is a 501(c)(3) charity organization that provides the opportunity for children ages 5-19 with physical and intellectual challenges to compete in sports they love. Get additional information about the league at
rARTS & CULTURErThe Frisco Ballet is an organization centered around the growth and maturity of dedicated dancers as they work their way up to expert levels. Learn more about upcoming performances or the organization itself at
rFEATURErThe Frisco Convention and Visitors Bureau rebranded and declared Frisco as “Sports City, U.S.A.” in July! Learn about all of Frisco’s sports teams and upcoming events at
rDININGrArepa TX, located at 5355 Dallas Parkway #600, is a new restaurant in Frisco that specializes in Latin street food. Go to or call 469.209.6399 for more information.
rSMALL BITESrAuntie Anne’sr2601 Preston Road –
Rockin’ Taco & Tex Mexr6890 Main Street –
Smashburgerr6959 Lebanon Road #123 –
rENTERTAINMENTrCamp Craig Allen’s biggest fundraising event is their annual BBQ Cook-Off. The event is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, on October 6-7. Registration information can be found at