rSTAFF STREETS OF FRISCOrWhat is your least favorite Thanksgiving food?
“Anything involving cranberries. They are too sour!”r-Miriam Johnson
“I cannot handle sweet potato casserole … possibly because I have caught it on fire in the oven before.”r-Christine Perrenot
“Stuffing. 100 percent stuffing. Wet bread is gross.”r-Andrew Johnson
“Canned cranberries. I just do not enjoy food shaped like a can!”r-Leah Ratliff
“Mincemeat pie. I am a pie lover – all pies. But mincemeat pie has just never impressed me.”r-Chris Johnson
"My least favorite Thanksgiving food would have to be cranberry sauce. It does not look appetizing and sure does not taste good!”r-Andrew Callen
rFAMILYrThe process of creating the perfect Christmas card is not as difficult as it might seem, especially if you have a couple local experts guiding you along the way. Paper Affair boutique is located at 6959 Lebanon Road. You can call 469.362.5400 or go to to learn more. Natalie Roberson Photography is a great local photographer. Schedule a shoot today by calling 972.415.7644 or go to to see the team’s work.
rEDUCATIONrFor the Frisco ISD, social media is one of the most effective platforms when trying to communicate with children and teens. Learn all about the district’s use of social media and additional communication processes at
rARTS & CULTURErOn the first weekend in October, the Texas Sculpture Garden in Frisco hosted the second annual Frisco Arts Walk. Those who wish to give to Frisco Arts for this annual event can do so at or by texting “Frisco Arts” to 41444 and making a credit card donation.
rFEATURErWe asked leaders in our community to contribute stories based on the importance of faith, even among our diversity, and celebrate their expression of faith, especially as related to the holiday season.
Hope Fellowshiprwww.hopefellowship.netrFrisco Eastr9950 Rolater Road, FriscorrFrisco Westr309 W. Main Street, Frisco
McKinneyr1702 W. University Drive, McKinney
Karya Siddhi Hanuman Templerwww.dallashanuman.orgr12030 Independence Parkway, Frisco
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Eldorado Parkway, Frisco
Shir Tikvahrwww.shirtikvahfrisco.orgr7700 Main Street, Frisco
St. Philips Episcopal Churchrwww.stphilipsfrisco.orgr6400 Stonebrook Parkway, Frisco
rENTERTAINMENTrSimply Blessed has flower arrangement classes planned throughout the fall and winter months. You can register by calling 214.618.4994. Learn more about the specific classes offered at
rDININGrCane Rosso, which serves up authentic Italian pizza, is located at 3685 The Star Boulevard #200. Go to to see a full menu and plan your visit.
rSMALL BITESrEmporium Piesr214.491.1577 – www.emporiumpies.comr107 S. Tennessee St., McKinney
La Hacienda Ranchr972.335.2232 – www.laharanch.comr4110 Preston Rd.
Unrefined Bakeryr972.668.2414 – www.unrefinedbakery.comr3411 Preston Rd. #8
rPROFILErTexas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children in Dallas, which provides world-renowned treatment for scoliosis, clubfoot, hand disorders, hip disorders, neurological disorders and dyslexia, is located at 2222 Welborn Street. Call 214.559.5000 or go to for additional information.