The entire Leiser family participated in making their 2016 Gingerbread House Contest entry, but 10-year-old Rian was the main builder and creator. Loren, the girls’ dad, helped with accessories, while their mom, Nichole, did the fondant writing and helped execute the vision. Brianna, one of the daughters, even facetimed from college at Texas Tech University to offer her ideas and suggestions!
Rian loves reading and loves Little Free Libraries. Her mom says Rian is a Little Free Library steward and wants to spread the word about them. She hopes to open as many Little Free Libraries as she can throughout her life! r
“We participated to get the entire family involved. We just moved to Frisco a little more than a year ago and are blown away by the many community events, so we love being active in them!” says Mrs. Leiser. “We started reading Frisco STYLE the first time we got an issue in the mail. We really like the spotlights on local businesses and Frisco events.”
The Leiser family says they are excited for Merry Main Street and seeing the dancing lights in Frisco Square. The family adopted a street in their neighborhood, and Rian is saving up to get a Little Free Library installed there, too!