Creating Christmas Magic in Every Corner
By Allie Spletter
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and while we’re all busy running to holiday performances, shopping, taking in the sights and sounds of the season around town, and making memories with those we love, there’s nothing quite like taking in the ambiance, coziness, and Christmas-magic-filled settings we’re able to create in our own homes. For just over a month out of the year, our homes are transformed into spaces where memories are made, and the magic of Christmas comes alive. Stockings, ornaments, candles, twinkling lights, nutcrackers, snowmen…all of the little extra things that make Christmas feel like Christmas adorn our trees, mantles, and walls to create that magic.

Every corner tells a story, and that magical ambiance becomes a place where It's where you can pause, reflect, and revel in the quiet joys of the season. Just like each family celebrates the holiday with their own traditions, for so many, the Christmas and holiday décor itself holds as many memories and traditions. Whether the décor is traditional red and green, neutral whites and greens, bright and exciting bold hues, or even themed, the décor plays a huge part in creating that homey, cozy holiday feel in your favorite space.

Though decorating for the holidays to create that magical atmosphere might be intimidating to some, it’s often just about how you want the space to feel. Recently, we had the chance to meet Taryn Whiteaker, a local full-time content creator in the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) and Design space, and her Christmas décor is a master class on how it transformed spaces throughout her home.

Taryn and her family moved from Seattle to the Frisco area over two years ago and haven’t looked back, as their love for the area has only grown since moving here. She started her career in corporate PR and marketing, and after having kids, decided it was time to get back to her creative roots. “Growing up in the greater Seattle area has definitely influenced my design style. I always incorporate natural elements into my design. Bringing the outdoors in can give a sense of peace and calm. For Christmas, that means lots of different types of greenery, rustic wood tones and even a few pine cones," says Taryn.

13 years later, she runs Taryn Whiteaker Designs, where she helps teach women, moms, and homeowners how to turn their home into a place they love. She shares design ideas, and DIY tutorials (time to pick up that hammer, girls!) and gives you the tools you need to complete them yourself.
Through her design blog, Taryn has made a name for herself in the industry and has partnered with several well-known brands including Michaels Stores, JOANN, Better Homes & Garden, World Market, Floor & Decor, Overstock, Home Depot, Hayneedle and more. She has appeared on The Kelly Clarkson Show, The Rachael Ray Show, King 5 NewDay Northwest and her work has been published in Better Homes & Gardens, Country Sampler, Woman’s World, All You, Family Circle and appeared on Country Living,, Elle Decor, InStyle and more.

When she’s not using power tools and designing new spaces, she enjoys exploring the outdoors with her family, traveling, spending time with her English Cream Golden Retriever and baking gluten-free treats!
Taryn is currently working on transforming her very traditional Texas home into a modern European retreat – follow along on Instagram @tarynwhiteaker_designs.