Provided by: Whiskey Moon
Located at: Renaissance Dallas at Plano Legacy West Hotel, Plano
- 1 ounce Haku vodka
- 1 ounce Baileys Irish Cream
- ½ ounce Kahlua brand coffee liqueur
- ½ ounce Monin Gingerbread Flavored Syrup (available at Spec’s Wine, Spirits & Finer Foods)
- 1 ounce bottled eggnog
Optional Garnish:
- Graham cracker crumbs
- Bottled Ghiradelli Caramel-Flavored Sauce
- Whipped cream
Combine all ingredients in a cocktail mixing glass and add ice before shaking to combine. Dip one side of a coup-style glass rim into the caramel sauce, followed by the graham cracker crumbs and set aside briefly. Strain the beverage mixture into the glass and, if desired, garnish with whipped cream. Serve.