Bill Boney, the director of His House, is one whose servant heart is changing lives in Frisco. His House is a home where young men aging out of the foster care system receive training through mentoring, life skills programs and financial education. “I wanted to serve in a way that would benefit those who are less fortunate, and my family and I felt a need to serve in the foster care system. We found there were multiple programs for women, but none specifically focused on men. So, I decided to start a transitional living program for young men,” Mr. Boney explains.
The vision of the program is to empower young men to be self-sufficient, while raising a generation of young men in faith, hope and love, by affording them an opportunity to learn life skills while being mentored in a Christ-centered environment.
His House is currently in a donation drive to raise $75,000, which will allow the program to put a down payment on its first home here in Frisco. Aside from donations, community members can get involved through mentoring, serving as a resident assistant for His House, donating talents and services and volunteering.