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We believe that support of local media ensures that the stories of our community are told with authenticity, accuracy, local perspective and integrity. I hope you would agree that, through the years, we have accurately reflected and celebrated the people, businesses, culture, and values of Frisco. We have done this without charging citizens and without receiving any type of public funding – local businesses have supported us for 30 years!

Recently, we have encountered an increasing presence of outside media companies shaping new narratives about our community—often without a deep understanding of the people, businesses, and culture that make it special. While these outlets may provide coverage, they lack the firsthand experience and vested interest that we possess.

Your generosity will make a tangible impact on the future of our local media and, in turn, the vitality of our community.

Please consider making a donation today by using the form below. We sincerely appreciate your time, consideration, and commitment to keeping our community informed and empowered.

Your financial contribution will enable us to continue providing high-quality stories and photography that celebrate all that is great about Frisco and that serves the interests of our readers and businesses. With your support, we can continue coverage of the unique people, local businesses, cultural events, and important civic matters that make Frisco an unparalleled place to live, work, play and thrive. 

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