Buddy Minett, a local husband and father, is a real estate broker with Herrin Real Estate in Celina and is the co-owner of Specialty Land Services, a right-of-way and easement acquisition firm.
Mr. Minett is a life member and the past president of the Heritage Association of Frisco. He also served the past 11 years on the Main Street Board in Celina. He was named the Frisco Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year in 2006 and was a Spirit of Frisco honoree in 2014. Mr. Minett was named to the Inside Collin County Business 21 Leaders for 21st Century list in 2006, and while Board President, the Frisco ISD Board of Trustees was awarded the Outstanding School Board in the State of Texas in 2008. He served on the Frisco City Council for more than three terms, the FISD Board of Trustees for three terms, was a chairman of the Frisco Planning and Zoning Commission and has spent more than 25 years on the Frisco Community Parade committee. He served as mayor pro-tem for the City of Frisco, as co-chair of the 2014 FISD Bond Committee and is on the capital projects and strategic planning committee for the First Baptist Church in Frisco.
Thank you, Mr. Minett, for all you have done for Frisco!